The Eurozone of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Florence, Italy
July 3-4, 2012

Co-organized with The Euro50 group at the European University Institute, the conference titled “Eurozone of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” brought together participants to debate how the European Union in its current state of muddling through could readdress the inherent flaws of the single currency in order to prevent a break-up of the euro area and put the euro on a more solid foundation for the future. The underpinnings of the creation of the euro and the single market were discussed at length and with overall agreement that the euro project was born with inadequacies. It was also noted that national politics remained the key constraint to completing a monetary union.
- Agnes BELAISCH: Head of Economic and Market Analysis, European Financial Stability Facility
- Alberto GIOVANNINI: Chief Executive Officer, Unifortune
- Andrew MORAVESIK: Professor of Politics and Director, European Union Program, Princeton University
- Angel UBIDE: Director of Global Economics, Tudor Investment Corporation
- Anne Marie SLAUGHTER: Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
- Arpad ABRAHAM: Professor of Economics, European University Institute
- Athanasios ORPHANIDES: Former Governor, Central Bank of Cyprus
- Beatrice WEDER DI MAURO: Professor, Johannes-Gutenburg University of Mainz, Chair of International Macroeconomics
- Bernd BRAASCH: Director, Financial Stability Department, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Charles MAIER: Leverett Saltonstall Professor of History, Chairman European Studies Harvard University
- Charles WYPLOSZ: Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
- Christian CALLIESS: Chair Jean Monnet, Free University Berlin
- Cristian POPA: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Romania
- Daniel GROS: Director, Centre for European Policy Studies
- Debora REVOLTELLA: Chief Economist, European Investment Bank
- Edmond ALPHANDERY: Chairman, Euro50 Group
- Erik NIELSEN: Chief Economist, UniCredit
- Francesco PAPADIA: Director, General Market Operations, ECB
- Francesco SALVATORI: Head of Markets for UniCredit Italy
- Gertrude TUMPEL GUGERELL: Former Member of the ECB
- Gillian EDGEWORTH: Chief EEMEA Economist, UniCredit Bank London
- Gyorgy SURANYI: Regional Head of Intesa Sanpaolo Professor of Finance
- Harold JAMES: Professor of History, Princeton University
- Haruhiko KURODA: President, Asian Development Bank
- Ilmars RIMSEVICS: Governor, Bank of Latvia
- Jacob FRENKEL: Chairman, JP Morgan Chase International
- James BULLARD: President, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
- Jan VINCENT ROSTOWSKI: Finance Minister of the Republic of Poland
- Jean PISANI FERRY: Director, Bruegel
- Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI: Former Member of the ECB
- Lucrezia REICHLIN: Professor of Economics, London Business School
- Luigi BUTTIGLIONE: Head of Global Strategy, Brevan Howard Asset Management
- Luiz A. PEREIRA DA SILVA: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
- Luuk VAN MIDDELAAR: Member of Cabinet of President Von Rompuy, European Council
- Manfred SCHEPERS: Vice President Finance, EBRD
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Marco BUTI: Director General, Economic Affairs, European Commission
- Massimiliano MARCELLINO: Professor RSCAS and Department of Economics, European University Institute
- Miguel MADURO: Program Director of the Global Governance Programme and Chair of European Law, European University Institute
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, NYU; Chairman, Roubini Global Economics
- Otmar ISSING: Former ECB Board Member
- Peter GARBER: Global Strategist in Global Markets Research, Deutsche Bank
- Philippe MAYSTADT: Former President of EIB
- Reza MOGHADAM: Director of the European Department, IMF
- Richard COOPER: Professor of Economics, Harvard University
- Richard PORTES: Professor of Economics, London Business School; President, CEPS
- Robert MUNDELL: Nobel Prize, Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Ronal MACKINNON: Professor, Economics Department, Stanford University
- Russell COPPER: Professor of Economics, European University Institute
- Soledad NUNEZ RAMOS: Former Head of Debt Management Office, Spain
- Stefano BARTOLINI: Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute
- Thomas WIESER: Secretary of the Euro Group
- Vitor GASPAR: Finance Minister of Portugal