Beyond the Euro Crisis
Rome, Italy
December 10, 2014

The purpose of this conference is to assess whether improvements to the architecture and policies of Europe’s Monetary Union bolster confidence in the stability of the European financial system and will lead to robust economic growth.
Indeed, the Eurozone debt crisis has highlighted how individual countries and country‑specific shocks can impact the stability of the Eurozone economies and of their financial systems. Six years on from the 2008 financial crisis and five years into the continuing Eurozone crisis, the EU has proposed and implemented a range of reforms aimed at strengthening the stability of Europe’s financial and macroeconomic system. In this setting, the outcome of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) Comprehensive Assessment provides an opportunity to review progress so far.
- Athanasios ORPHANIDES: Professor, MIT
- Bojan FRAS: Vice-Governor, Croatian National Bank
- Bostjan JAZBEC: Governor, Central Bank of Slovenia
- Christian DURAND: Deputy Director General for Economics and International Affairs Banque de France
- Daniela SCHWARZER: Director European Program, German Marshall Fund
- David TALIENTE: Managing Partner Europe, Olivier Wyman
- Debora REVOLTELLA: Chief Economist, EIB
- Domenico LOMBARDI: Director of Global economy Program, CIGI
- Edoardo REVIGLIO: Chief Economist Officer, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
- Enrico GIOVANNINI: Italy’s Former Minister of Labour
- Enrico LETTA: Former Prime Minister, Italy
- Erik NIELSEN: Chief Economist, Unicredit
- Fabio PANETTA: Deputy General Director and Member of the Executive Board, Banca d’Italia
- Fabrizio PAGANI: Head of the Office of the Minister, Ministry of the Economy and Finance
- Ian SHIPLEY: Partner, Olivier Wyman
- Ignazio ANGELONI: Member of the Supervisory Board, ECB
- Malcolm KNIGHT: CIGI Distinguished Fellow
- Marco BUTI: Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
- Miranda XAFA: CIGI Senior Fellow
- Paolo GARONNA: Secretary General, Italian Banking, Insurance and Finance Federation
- Piers HABEN: Director, Oversight, EBA
- Rainer STEFANO MASERA: Dean of the Economics Faculty and Professor of Political Economy, University Guglielmo Marconi
- Sylvie MATHERAT: Global head of Government and Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Bank; Former Head of Bank of France Financial Stability
- Vitor GASPAR: Director Fiscal Department, IMF