BRICS & Global Governance
Beijing and Online
July 9, 2022

The world is now in a turbulent time and mankind is facing severe challenges such as global conflicts, the COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty and climate change.Where is the world going? Standing at at the crossroads of history, the international framework and global governance are facing profound changes and evolution; The world economy is facing the risk of recession and the global financial system is at risk of “fragmentation”. How can the BRICS countries unite and cooperate to deal with it? How to provide more “BRICS solutions”? How to further deepen BRICS financial cooperation? How to continuously improve global economic governance?
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech
Zhu Guangyao, former Vice Minister of Finance, Chief Adviser of WFF and CBGG
Fan Gang, President of China (Shenzhen) Development Institute
Tu Guangshao, former Vice Mayor of Shanghai municipal government, former General Manager of China Investment Co., Ltd
Wang Zhongmin, former Vice Chairman of National Council for Social Insurance Fund, Chairman of the Academic Committee of CBGG, Vice President of WFF
Xu Bu, President of the China Institute of International Studies, Secretary General of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Research Center
Marcos Troyjo, President of the New Development Bank Han Yongwen, Vice Chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, senior consultant of WFF and CBGG
Yu Xuejun, former deputy minister-level cadre of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission
Manuel Ramos-Francia, Director, Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA)
James Wallis, Vice President of Central Bank Engagements, Ripple
Xiaochen Zhang, Principal Manager, AWS
High-End Dialogue: Where is the World Going?
Moderator: Marc Uzan, Executive Director of Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Li Daokui, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the World Finance Forum, Director of the The Academic Center for Chinese Economic Practice and Thinking, Tsinghua University; first Chief Economist of the New Development Bank
Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate in Economics,Famous Economist
Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Qiao Yide, Vice President and Secretary General of Shanghai Development Research Foundation
Bert Hofman, Former China Bureau Chief of the World Bank; Director of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
Alicia Garcia Herrero, Adjunct Professor at HKUST, Senior Research Fellow at Bruegel
Li Xiao, Professor of Jilin University, President of Guangzhou Business School
He Jie, Director of Shenzhen Local Financial Supervision Bureau
Wen Ping, Deputy Director, Management Commitee of China (Guangdong) Qianhai free trade test area Shekou area , Deputy Director of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hongkong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen
High-End Dialogue: Will the world divide into two blocs?
Moderator: Feng Xingke, Director of CBGG and Secretary General of WFF
Huang Renwei, Executive Deputy Dean, Institue of Belt and Road & Global Governance, Fudan University
Jia Qingguo, Professor of School of International Studies, Peking University
BRICS and Global Governance Forum
Moderator: Feng Xingke, Director of CBGG and Secretary General of WFF
Igor A. Maksimtsev, Rector, St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON)
Eduardo Daniel Oviedo, Professor of the History of Contemporary International Relations at the National University of Rosario, Argentina, Senior Research Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research in Argentina
Srikanth Kondapalli, Dean, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Erik Berglof, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Zhao Kejin, Deputy Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University