Where is Global Fiannce Heading? Status of the International Monetary System and the Stake of Emerging Economies
Cusco, Peru
July 13-14, 209

In 2009, RBWC decided to launch an annual conference in Cusco, Peru in collaboration with the central bank of Peru. We hoped that this magical setting would provide participants new inspiration to address the financial turmoil being faced globally. In reflecting about the current state of affairs, conference participants indicated that a new geography of international finance was likely to emerge and that the notion of the core and the periphery were no longer adequate to understand the current evolution of the global financial system.
- Bandid NIJATHAWORN: deputy Governor, Bank of Thailand
- Boris VUJCIC: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Croatia
- Brad SETSER: Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
- Dato’ OOI SANG KUANG: Deputy Governor of the Bank Negara Malaysia
- Evariste LEFEUVRE: Head of Global Macro and Markets Research, Natixis
- Felipe LARRAIN: Professor of Economics, University Catolica, Chile
- Geoffrey UNDERHILL: Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam
- Hector R. TORRES: Counsellor, World Trade Organization
- Heenam CHOI: Director General, Ministry of Finance, Korea
- Ibrahim TURHAN: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
- Jose Antonio O CAMPO: Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Joshua AIZENMAN: Professor of Economics, University of California
- Julio VELARDE: Governor, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
- Lawrence BRAINARD: Chief Economist, Trusted Sources
- Luis Gustavo MANSUR: Deputy Head of the International Relations Department, Central Bank of Brazil
- Manuel MARFAN: Board Member, Banco Central de Chile
- Marc Olivier STRAUSS KAHN: Executive Director, Inter-American development Bank Group
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mario I. BLEJER: Former Governor, Central Bank of Argentina
- Mikhail MIZHINSKIY: Project Coordinator, Post Crisis World Foundation
- Miranda S. GOELTOM: Acting Governor, Bank of Indonesia
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Professor of Economics, New York University
- Ousmene MANDENG: Head Public Sector Advisory Group, Ashmore Investment
- Philip POOLE: Managing Director, Global Head of Emerging Markets Research and Chief Economist for Emerging Markets, HSBC Bank
- Pilar L’HOTELLERIE FALLOIS: Associate Director General, International Affairs, Bank of Spain
- Rakesh MOHAN: Distinguished Consulting Professor, Stanford University
- Renosi MOKATE: Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of South Africa
- Ricardo V. LAGO: Professor of Economics, University of Florida
- Zbigniew HOCKUBA: Member of the Board, National Bank of Poland