The Segmentation Century: The End of the Bretton Woods Era
Beijing, China
November 19, 2012

This one-day conference was held at The International Trade and Cooperation Academy Forum, organized at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. The title we chose for this event, “The Segmentation Century: the End of the Bretton Woods Era? was meant to reflect that we were in the midst of an era marked by an uncertain outlook for the euro zone financial crisis and a waning multilateralism that was severely impacting the global economy. Nobel laureate and longtime participant in the work of RBWC, Robert Mundell, PBOC deputy governor Pan Gongsheng and other economists and market took part in discussions that covered among other topics reconfiguring the Eurozone moving forward, the threat of fiscal dominance, measures to curb the financial crisis, building a new international order, and the economic growth model of China.
- Bai SHUQIANG: Professor, University of International Business and Economics
- Chalongphob SUSSANGKARN: Former Finance Minister of Thailand, Senior Fellow of Thailand Development Research Institute
- Christian KOPF: Director of Economic Research and Investment Strategy, Spinnaker Capital
- Dai PENG: General Manager, Economic Research Department, Export Import, Bank of China
- Danny QUAH: Professor of Economics, The London School of Economics, Former Council of Malaysia’s National Economic Advisory Council
- Edmond ALPHANDERY: Chairman, Euro50 Group
- Fu JUN: Professor, School of Law, University of International Business and Economics, Deputy Director, International Finance Law Experts Committee of CLS
- Gal DYMANT: Chairman, Poalim Asia Direct
- Heenam CHOI: Director General, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, South Korea
- Hong JINJIE: Executive Dean, School of International economic and Trade, University of International Business and Economics
- Jean Claude PIRIS: Former Legal Counsel of European Union Council, Author of “the Future of Europe”
- Jin LIQUN: Chairman of the Supervisory Board, China Investment Corporation
- Kazumasa IWATA: President, Japan Center for Economic Research
- Lin GUIJUN: Deputy President, University of International Business Economics
- Luca SILIPO: Chief Economist, Asia Pacific, Natixis
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Niels THYGESEN: Professor of International Economics Emeritus, University of Copenhagen
- Pan GONGSHENG: Deputy President, People’s Bank of China
- Philip TURNER: Deputy Head, Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements
- Robert MUNDELL: Nobel Prize, Professor of Economics, Columbia University
- Shi JIANJUN: President, University of International Business and Economics
- Song WEI: Post Doctor in Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- Song XUE CHENG: Chief Partner, Beijing C&H Law Firm
- Su QIN: Professor, School of Banking and Finance, University of International Business and Economics
- Wang JUN: Dean of Law School, University of International Business and Economics
- Wei BENHUA: Former Deputy Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Xia YOUFU: Professor, Executive Director, China Strategy Research Center for Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation, University of International Business and Economics
- Xu YIPING: Professor, Director, Department of Finance, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics
- Yu Jian LONG: Vice Chairman and Secretary General, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
- Zheng XINLI: Deputy Chief, Policy Research Office, CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman, China Centre for International Economic Exchanges
- Zhou ZHONGFEI: Vice President, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics