The International Monetary System: New Configuration of the Economic and Monetary Power
Astana, Kazakhstan
May 3-4, 2011

At the time of the conference the challenges faced by the developed economies in terms of reviving economic growth and dealing with the overhang of public and private sector debt were at the forefront of policy debate. The international dimension of exit and the impact on market was a dominant theme. There were also keen discussions about the future of US dollar as the main reserve currency in a multipolar world. The state of play in Asia in terms of in terms of regional monetary arrangements was largely debated in light of regionalization of RMB. Robert Mundell gave a keynote speech at the occasion and the panel hosted economists like Jacob Frenkel, Josh Nash, Domingo Cavallo and many others.
- Adalet DZHABIEV: Chief Executive Officer, Al Shams Capital
- Anvar SAIDENOV: Chairman and Member of the Board, BTA Bank, Kazakhstan, Former Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Arnab DAS: Managing Director, Market Research & Strategy, Roubini Global Economics
- Arystan ESENTUGELOV: Professor, Honorary President of Economic Research Institute, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Bolat ZHAMISHEV: Minister of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Charles VAN DER LEEUW: Correspondent, International Herald Tribune, USA
- Daniyar AKISHEV: Deputy Governor, National Bank of Kazakhstan
- David OWEN: Deputy Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, IMF
- Domingo CAVALLO: Chairman DFC Associates LLC, Former Minister of Economy, Argentina
- Erland BAIDAULET: Advisor to the Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Industry and New Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Ernani HICKMANN: Professor, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil
- Franz NAUSCHNIGG: Head, European and International Financial Organization Division, Osterreichische Nationalbank
- Gazi ERCEL: President, Ercel Advisory Group; Former Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
- George VON FURSTENBERG: Professor of Economics, University of Indiana
- Herbert GRUBEL: Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser Institute, Canada
- Hernando DE SOTO: President, Institute of Liberty and Democracy, Former Governor of Peru’s Central Reserve Bank
- Jacob FRENKEL: Chairman, JP Morgan Chase International
- Jacques DIOUF: Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- James DEAN: Professor of economics, Simon Fraser University and the College of William and Mary, Canada
- James MIRRLEES, Sir: Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, 1996
- Jan KUBIS: Under Secretary General, United Nations, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- John DEFTERIOS: Anchor CNN and Global Emerging Markets Editor, USA
- John NASH: Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, 1994
- Jorge QUIROGA: Ex-President of Bolivia, Member of the Club of Madrid
- Judy SHELTON: Senior Fellow, Atlas Economic Research Foundation; Co-Director, Sound Money Project
- Karim MASSIMOV: Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Lawrence BRAINARD: Chief Economist, Trusted Sources Research
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Miranda XAFA: Senior Investment Strategist, Member of the Advisory Board, IJ Partners SA
- Niels THYGESEN: Professor of International economics, University of Copenhagen
- Noeleen HEYZER: Under Secretary General, United Nations, Executive Secretary, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- Nursultan NAZARBAYEV: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Ousmene JACQUES MANDENG: Head of Public Sector Investment Advisory, Ashmore Investment Management Limited
- Richard COOPER: Professor of Economics, Harvard University
- Robert MUNDELL: Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics 1999
- Roger KORNBERG: Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, 2006. Professor of Stanford University, Co-chairman of the Skolkovo Innovation Center
- Serik AHANOV: Chairman of the Financiers Association, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Songzuo XIANG: Chief Editor, Global Business & Finance
- Stjepan MESIC: Ex-President of Croatia
- Sultan BIN NASSER AL SUWAIDI: Governor, Central Bank of UAE
- Suman K. BERY: Member, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, New Delhi and Country Advisor, International Growth Centre, London
- Taleb RIFAI: Secretary General, World Tourism Organization
- Thierry MARIANI: Secretary of State for Transport of the Republic of France
- Waheed QAISER: Vice Chairman Maxim LLP
- Warren COATS: Consultant for IMF, Former Director Cayman Island, Monetary Authority, IMF
- Yung CHUL PARK: Research Professor and Director of the Centre of International Commerce in Korea; Professor of Economics, Seoul National University