Systemic Financial Risk: Improving the Resilience of Global Markets
London, UK
May 14, 2008

At this point in time, policy makers from around the world were confronting a multidimensional crisis. On one end of the spectrum they had to deal with financial market dislocations in advanced economies. On the other side they were faced by emerging economies bearing challenges of overheating and dealing with strong capital inflows that could only be exacerbated by the easing of interest rates in the G7 countries. This situation served as the backdrop for this conference, hosted with the Bank of England under the G20 Presidency Brazil and during which participants laid out scenarios for possible exit routes from the turmoil and raised questions about reshaping the global financial system.
- Alderman DAVID LEWIS: The Right Honourable Lord Myaor of the City of London, UK
- Barry ZUBROW: Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, JP Morgan Chase
- Benoit COEURE: Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Affairs and Development Policy, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, France
- Daniel M. HOFMANN: Chief Economist, Zurich Financial Services
- David CLAYDON: Managing Director, Morgan Stanley, UK
- Jean Pierre LANDAU: Deputy Governor, Central Bank of France
- Johan DELPORT: Senior Manager, South African Reserve Bank
- John GIEVE: Deputy Governor of the Bank of England
- John J. STUDZINSKI: Senior Managing Director and Global Head, Corporate Advisory Services, Blackstone Group
- Kanwardeep AHLUWALIA: Head, Credit and Financial Market Risk Management, Swiss Re, UK
- Kevin M. WARSH: Governor and Board Member, Federal Reserve System
- Kevin STEINBERG: Chief Operating Officer, World Economic Forum
- Lawrence BRAINARD: Chief Economist, Trusted Sources UK
- Lewis B. KADEN: Vice Chairman, Citi, USA
- Madelyn ANTONCIC: Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Markets Policy Relations, Lehman Brothers
- Mahmood PRADHAN: Assistant Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Marcos GALVAO: Secretary for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Brazil
- Miranda S. GOELTOM: Senior Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia
- Nicholas JOICEY: Director, International, HM Treasury of the UK
- Nouriel ROUBINI: Chairman and Professor, Roubini Global Economics, USA
- Rahel LOMAX: Deputy Govenror, Bank of England
- Richard PORTES: Professor of Economics, London Business School, UK
- Richard SAMANS: Managing Director, World Economic Forum
- Suzanne NORA JOHNSON: Trustee, Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Thomas MAYER: Chief European Economist, Deutsche Bank, UK
- Tiff MACKLEM: Associate Deputy Minister and G7 deputy for Canada, Department of Finance