The Post Covid Era: Redefining and
Redesigning the Global Economy
February 9-10, 2021

In less than a year the Covid-19 crisis has transformed the world. Indeed, the impact of the pandemic is already monumental; and its social, economic, and geopolitical implications will linger for years to come. While the global economy is poised to face the deepest recession in peacetime history, Covid-19 has magnified global trends that were already brewing.
As countries around the world are focused on crises relief efforts, we believe that a parallel intellectual initiative should be underway for the transition to a post-virus order. We hope that convening this symposium with multistakeholders, will help to strengthen our collective commitment to creating a better future. Although we will miss the conviviality of our past face-to-face events, we hope to make up for this loss with stimulating online discussions that help free our imagination!

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Openning Remarks
- Igor Maksimtsev, Rector, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON)
- Marc Uzan, Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee (RBWC)
- Henning Voepel, Director, Hamburg Institute for International Economics (HWWI)
- Jacob Frenkel, Chairman, Frenkel-Zuckerman Institute for Global Economics, Chairman Board of Trustees G30
How Covid-19 is changing the World Economy?
- Chair: Jacob Frenkel, Chairman, Frenkel-Zuckerman Institute for Global Economics, Chairman Board of Trustees G30
- Andrei Klepach, Chief Economist, State Development Corporation “VEB.RF”
- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Director of the Cañada Blanch Center, the Princess of Asturias Chair, London School of Economics and Political Sciences
- Richard Koo, Chief Economist, Nomura Research Institute
- Qiao Yide, President, Shanghai Development Research Foundation
- Jacques Sapir, Research Supervisor, The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Director, CEMI
BRICS Сountries at 20- Prospects for Acceleration?
- Chair: Sofia Rekord, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Saint- Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON)
- Michael Buchanan, Head Portfolio Strategy&Risk Group, Macro Strategy, Temasek International Private Limited
- Yaroslav Lisovolik, Head of Research, Sberbank
- David Daokui Li, Mansfield Freeman Professor of Economics, Director, Center for China in the World Economy, Tsinghua University
- Logan Rangasamy, Academic Director and Adjunct Professor, Wits Business School
- Alexander Losev, Director General, JSC “Management company Sputnik – capital management”
Eurasia: Economic Outlook and Accelerating Regional Integration
- Chair: Stefan Fule, Former European Commissionner for Enlargement
- Jihad Azour, Director Central Asia and Middle East Department, International Monetary Fund
- Igor Maksimtsev, Rector, UNECON, Chairman of the IPA CIS Economic Expert Council
- Kairat Kelimbetov, Governor, Astana International Financial Centre, Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Aleksander Liberov, the President of Siemens AG to the Russian Federation
- Mengya Li, Director of Global Affairs, Shenzhen Thousand Cities Strategic Algorithms Cloud Technology Co., Ltd (TCSA)
- Qi Wenhai, Professor, Director of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Development, Heilongjiang University, China
- Natalya Volchkova, Senior Lecturer, New Economic School; Director, Center for Economic and Financial Research, Vice-rector, Russian Foreign Trade Academy
The Future of International Finance and Trade Architecture Post-COVID 19
- Chair: Carsten Mumm, CFA, is chief economist at DONNER & REUSCHEL AG
- Yakov Mirkin, Doctor of Economics, Head of Department of International Capital Markets, Institute of World Economy and International relations RAS
- Erik Berglof, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Elina Ribakova, Deputy Chief Economist, Institute for International Finance
- Oleg Solntsev, Head of the division for analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic process, Center for macroeconomic analysis and short-term forecasting
- Alfonso Iozzo , Vice Chairman, Triffin Foundation
Central Bank Digital Currencies, The Digitalisation of Money and its Meaning for the International Monetary System
- Chair: Ousmene Mandeng, Senior Advisor, Accenture
- Elina Sidorenko, Head of the Working Group on Estimated Risk of Cryptocurrency, State Duma of the Russian Federation
- Chuanwei David Zou, Chief Economist of Wanxiang Blockchain, China
- Binur Zhalenov, Advisor to the Governor of National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Mikhail Khazin, Economic Research Foundation MH
Global Connectivity Agenda
- Chair: Ekaterina Kozyreva , President, IEC International
- Xavier Wanderpepen, Director of Development, The New Silk Road for Railway Freight Forwarding activities of Forwardis, the subsidiary of SNCF Group
- Leslie Maasdorp, Chief Financial Officer, New Development Bank
- Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Honorary Director General, International Union of Railways (UIC)
- Richard Morton, Secretary General, International Port Community Systems Association
- Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General, CCTT – Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation
Livable Cities
- Chair: Dmitry Vasilenko, Vice-rector for International Relations, UNECON
Keynote Speech
- Carlos Moreno, Chair “ETI, Entrepreneurship, Territory, Innovation” at IAE-Paris, University Panthéon Sorbonne
- Nigel Jollands, Associate Director, EBRD
- Pekka Timonen, Mayor of Lahti, European Green Capital 2021
- Anjes Tjarks, Senator of Ministry of Transport, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
- Xuejin Zuo, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
- Rudiger Ahrend, Head of Economic Analysis, Data and Statistics Division, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
Pathways to a Low Carbon and Sustainable Economies
Keynote Speech
- Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Earth Institute
- Chair: Henning Voepel, Director, Hamburg Institute for International Economics(HWWI)
- Ding Yifan, Associate Dean, Hainan Green Finance Research Institute
- Rae Kwon Chung, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate; Chairman of the International Award Committee of Global Energy Prize; Professor Emeritus, Incheon National University
- Cheng Lin, Deputy Director, Research Center of Green Finance Development, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
- Andy Calitz, FutureEnergy/ Secretary General Elect, the International Gas Union
- Boris Porfiriev, Scientific Director, the Institute of Economic Forecasting, the Russian Academy of Sciences