Roundtable Panel Discussion on the Occasion of the G20 Ministerial
New Delhi, India
November 22, 2002

During this seminar organized with the G20 Chair India to cover the ongoing debate on crisis prevention and resolution, some concerns started to emerge about the international financial architecture debate appearing to have compartmentalized into separate conversations about surveillance, code and standards, financial action task force, and money laundering issues. Participants voiced doubts about the benefits of global financial integration and reaffirmed the need for self-insurance to become more prevalent. In a memorable moment South African Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, summarized the state of play in the debate as follows: “Did we have any profound strategies for crisis prevention? The only one we had was luck”.
- Alastair CLARK: Director, Financial Stability, Bank of England
- Amar BHATTACHARYA: senior Advisor, The World Bank
- Anthony RICHARD: Deputy Manager, International Affairs, Reserve Bank of Australia
- Clifford DAMMERS: Secretary General, International Primary Markets Association
- Dhruba GUPTA: Adviser, Industrial Finance Corporation of India
- BOEDIONO: Finance Minister, Indonesia
- Javier GUZMAN: Director, International Affairs, Banco de Mexico
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Miranda GOELTOM: Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia
- MARAUNDA: Deputy Chief Economist, South African Reserve Bank
- PK PASU: Chief Economist, Emerging Markets Research Asia Credit Suisse First Boston
- Prasenjit BASU: Chief Economist, Emerging Markets Asia, CSFB
- Roberto RINALDI: Head of the International Division, Bank of Italy
- Sukumar PILLAI: Manager, World Gold Council, India
- Suman BERY: Director General, National Council of Applied Economic Research
- Terrence O’BRIEN: Head Macroeconomics Unit, Department of Treasury Australia
- Trevor MANUEL: Finance Minister, South Africa