Global Macro Sessions for the IMF Annual Meetings
October 15, Washington DC
After two years of pandemic disruption, RBWC is back in Washington DC for the IMF and World Bank annual meetings.
Compared to 2020, the world has dramatically changed. To address the adverse effects of covid-19 lockdowns and curfews, governments have mostly chosen to spend more, while central banks have eased their domestic financing conditions by lowering their interest rates and by implementing quantitative easing policies. This has led economies to benefit from a strong rebound from the 2020 low, but also to surges in end consumer prices, especially in the US.
Furthermore, the war in Ukraine has brought negative consequences for the world economy. The reduction of Russian and Ukrainian supplies of energy, raw materials, and food has led not only to a further surge in prices, especially in the EU, but also to recessive effects as the war and the more-acute-than-ever confrontation between the US and China is progressively depressing global demand.
Nevertheless, optimism has not disappeared: these last two years have been crucial for the development of digital finance. However, these new technologies – which can be key to the next generation of monetary and financial systems – raise many questions.
Thus, in 2022 the world seems brand new, likely entering a new era of stagflation, associating high-energy prices, low growth perspectives, high public debt levels and tightening monetary conditions. It might as also face a new technological and geopolitical context, which could totally reshape its international financial and monetary system. This conference will ponder from various important perspectives what should be done to remain on track.
Morning Program: Global Governance
10:00-10:15: Coffee and Registration
10:15-12:15: Improving the International Debt Architecture (Roundtable)
CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTS (in alphabetical order/subject to change)
Masood Ahmed, President, Center for Global Development (chair)
Sara Burke, Senior Policy Analyst, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (opening remarks)
Daniel Cohen, President, Paris School of Economics and Chair, Finance for Development Lab
Christian Kopf, Chief investment Officer, Union Investments
Brent Neiman Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury, US Department of the Treasury
Paola Subacchi, Professor of International Economics and Chair Advisory Board, Global Policy Institute at Queen Mary University of London
Beatriz Weder Di Mauro, President, Center for Economic and Policiy Research
12:15:13:00 : Buffet Lunch

Afternoon Program: Global Macro and Finance
Program pending responses from further invited speakers and subject to changes
12:15:13:00 : Buffet Lunch and Registration
Welcome Remarks
Marc Uzan, Executive Director , Reinventing Bretton Woods Commitee
Jacob Frenkel, Chairman, Frenkel-Zuckerman Institute for Global Economics
Session 1: The Inflation Restart
Beat Siegenthaler, Managing Director, UBS Investment Bank (chair)
James Bullard, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis
Philip Lane, Member of the Board, European Central Bank
Francesco Bianchi, Professor of Economics, The Johns Hopkins University
Masazumi Wakatabe, Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan (TBC)
Session 2: Emerging Markets in a New Era
Massimiliano Castelli, Managing Director, UBS Asset Management (chair)
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park
Martin Galystan, Governor, Central Bank of Armenia
Julio Velarde, Governor, Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Rashad Cassim, Deputy Governor, South Africa Reserve Bank
Mauricio Villamizar, Member of the Board of Directors, Central Bank of Colombia
Session 3: CBDC and Private Stablecoins, The Road Towards A New Money Architecture
Usman Ahmed, Founding Advisor, The Digital Dollar Project and Head of Global Public Policy and Research, PayPal (chair)
Xiaochen Zhang, Global Head, Innovation & GTM, International Financials, Amazon Web Services
Andreas Dombret, Former Board Member of Deutsche Bundesbank.
Timothy Antoine,Governor, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Koba Gvenetazde, Governor, Central Bank of Georgia
Teana Baker-Taylor, Vice President, Policy & Regulatory Strategy, UK/EU, Circle
Session 4: Cross-Border Payments, A Global Public Good?
Erica M. Salinas, Principal Tech Leader for Web3, Amazon Web Services (chair)
Ousmene Mandeng, Senior Advisor, Accenture Blockchain Technology
Andrew B. Samuel, Manager for Prudential Regulatory Policy, Coinbase
Jane Khodarkovsky, General Counsel, Celo Foundation
Closing Remarks
Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics NYU and Author of “Mega Threats”