Connecting Europe and Asia
Vienna, Austria
December 14, 2018

Taking place toward the end of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, this conference discussed ways to improve cooperation between Europe and Asia and to better connect Europe and Asia to the benefit of both sides.
Experts from academia, business and politics have debated on how to achieve these goals and promote deeper integration between Europe and Asia.
They discussed the current institutional framework, initiatives such as the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, European integration and relations between the European Union (EU) and Eurasia, focusing on trade relations and on Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
A related focus has been on Asia’s relations with the Danube region, with contributions also from the Danube Macro Region Business Forum (DMRBF)
- Alexey GROM: President, United Transport and Logistics Company
- Baurzhan BEKTEMIROV: Chief Economist, Astana International Financial Center
- David GOULD: Lead Economist, The World Bank
- Ernst SCHMIED: Chairman, Danube Macro Region
- Ewald NOWOTNY: Governor, Oesterreichische NaitonalBank
- Franz NAUSCHNIGG: Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- Giorgi KVIRIKASHVILI: Former Prime Minister of Georgia
- Igor HRIBAR: Head of Rail Services Austria, DB Cargo AG
- Jonas GRÄTZ: Economic Adviser, OSCE
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Mario HOLZNER: Deputy Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
- Massimo DEANDREIS: General Manager, SRM
- Mattia ROMANI: Managing Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Naoyuki YOSHINO: Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute
- Osman EROL: Managing Director, Rail Cargo Logistics Austria
- Ousmène Jacques MANDENG: Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Petros SOURMELIS: Head of Unit, European Commission`
- Rudolf SCHICKER: Coordinator, Danube Region
- Stephan BARISITZ: Oesterreichische NationalBank
- Tatyana VALOVAYA: Member of the Board, Eurasian Economic Commission
- William THOMPSON: Head of Eurasia Department, Global Relations Secretariat, OECD
- Wojciech SZYMULEWICZ: CEO, Adriatic Gate Container Terminal
- Zeno D’AGOSTINO: President, Triste Port Authority