Annual Seminar Organized in Cooperation with the EBRD
London, UK
May 10, 2016

This seminar focused on how to increase private sector involvement in the financing and delivery of green infrastructure investments in the EBRD region.
- Ana NOVIK: Head of Investment Division, OECD
- Christoph AVENARIUS: Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Cyril MULLER: Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, World Bank
- Hakima EL HAITE: Minister of Environment, Morocco
- Isabelle MATEOS Y LAGO: Senior Advisor, Blackrock
- Jeremy OPPEINHEIM: Managing Partner, SystemiQ
- Marie Gabrielle INEICHEN FLEISCH: State Secretary for Economic Affairs Switzerland
- Mattia ROMANI: Managing Director for Economics, Policy and Governance, EBRD
- Michael SHEREN: Senior Bank Advisor, Bank of England, United Kingdom
- Nick ROBINS: Co-Director, UNEP Inquiry
- Rolf WENZEL: Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank
- Sean KIDNEY: CEO and Co-Founder of Climate Bonds Initiative
- Sherard COWPER-COLES: Head of Government Affairs, HSBC
- Sir Suma CHAKRABARTI: President, EBRD
- Thomas MAIER: Managing Director for Infrastructure, EBRD
- Werner HOYER: President of the European Investment Bank