An Anticrisis Plan for the 21st Century: Preventing the Frequency and Severity of Financial Crises
Astana, Kazakhstan
May 21-22, 2014

This conference organized by Kazakhstan represents this nation’s desire to lead by example as one of the smaller emerging markets and one that can offer insights at least on issues related to the advantages and disadvantages of being in the immediate vicinity of a large country, on regional monetary cooperation, the impact of commodities and commodity price volatility and the role of a SWF as a long term public sector buffer and/or savings vehicle.
The main purpose of the conference is to push forward the adoption of a World Anti-Crisis Plan that can include the opinion of a group of smaller countries that have proven successful in increasing economic freedom, raising standards of living, guaranteeing social stability and tolerance, as well as in cooperating with international institutions. These countries often play the role of passive observers, but together they represent an important group and can play a crucial role in resolving global economic problems.
- Alejandro TOLEDO: Former President of Peru
- Alexei KUDRIN: Minister of Finance of Russian Federation
- Bakhyt SULTANOV: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Christopher PISSARIDES: Professor of Economics, LSE, Nobel Prize in economics
- Danial AKHMETOV: Board Member of Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission
- David SHARK: deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization
- Domingo CAVALLO: Senior Fellow of the Institute for Global Affairs, Yale University, Former Minister of Economy, Former President of Central Bank of Argentina
- Dominique STRAUSS KAHN: Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
- Frank WESTERMANN: Professor of Economics, Chair of International Economic Policy, Osnabruck University
- Gerhard FRITZ KURT SCHRODER: Former Chancellor of Germany
- Gyan CHANDRA ACHARYA: Under Secretary General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
- Harold JAMES: Professor of History and International Affairs, Princeton University
- Hierry DE LONGUEMAR: Vice President for Finance and Risk Management, Asian Development Bank
- II SA KONG: Chairman and CEO of the Institute for Global Economics, Former Minister of Finance of the Republic of Korea
- Jacob FRENKEL: Chairman, JP Morgan Chase International
- James BOUGHTON: Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation
- Jean LEMIERRE: Adviser BNP Paribas, President of the EBRD
- John W. ASHE: President of the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly
- Joshua AIZENMAN: Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations, University of Southern California
- Kazumasa IWATA: President of the Japan Center for Economic Research, Deputy Governor of Bank of Japan
- Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI: Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
- Mahmoud MOHIELDIN: President’s Special Envoy, World Bank
- Marc UZAN: Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
- Martin SAJDIK: Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Austria to the UN, President of the UN Economic and Social Council
- Massimiliano CATSELLI: Global Head of Strategy, Global Sovereign Markets, UBS
- Mihai TANASESCU: Vice President of the European Investment Bank
- Min ZHU: Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
- Mukhisa KITUYI: Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- Ousmene MANDENG: Managing Director, Pramerica Investment Management
- Paulo DE SACADURA CABRAL PORTAS: Deputy Prime-Minister of the Portuguese Republic
- Richard COOPER: Professor of International Economics at Harvard University
- Romano PRODI: Former Prime Minister of Italy, Tenth President of the European Commission
- Sergey GLAZYEV: Adviser to the President of Russia, Member of Russian Academy of Science, Minister of external economic Relations
- Subir GOKARN: Director of Research for Brookings, India, Former Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India
- Suma CHAKRABARTI: President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Thomas FIALA: Managing Director, Dragon Capital
- Ugo PANIZZA: Professor of Finance, Professor of International Economics, Pictet Chair in Finance and Development, Graduate Institute Geneva
- Umirzak SHUKEYEV: Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board of Directors of the JSC Samruk-Kazyna
- Warren L. Coats, Jr.: Assistant Director, Monetary and Financial Systems Department, IMF
- Yerbolat DOSSAYEV: Minsiter of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Yves LETERME: Deputy Secretary General of the OECD, Former Prime Minister of Belgium